The statistics speak for themselves. 630 home runs (5th all time), 1,836 RBI, 2,781 hits, 184 stolen bases over 22 seasons. 1997 A.L. MVP. 13-time all-star. 10-time Gold Glover (3rd most among outfielders). All this despite being hampered by injuries throughout his career. And much of it in spectacular fashion. Had he stayed healthy he very may well have put up Barry Bonds HR numbers. And Junior is one of a handful of players from this era that I feel confident saying was steroid free.
Ken Griffey Jr. was one of the best baseball players of our time, one of the greatest centerfielders of all time. He basically singlehandedly revived the Mariners franchise. He was a human highlight reel both at the plate and in the field. His swing was one of the sweetest you'll ever see. He was a pleasure to watch, and he made me want to play centerfield. He is one of my favorite non-Philadelphia athletes ever. And his presence on the field will be missed. Thanks for the memories Junior.

I'm writing about Griffey tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGood you can go into more detail...I wasn't sure if you were planning on it so I had to make sure I gave him some love