Something just seemed off about everything last night. I got home from work exhausted and dragging. The heat certainly didn't help. I got home and immediately passed out, only to awake at 7:45 to see the Phillies go down 3-2 to the Indians before I headed off to my softball game.
Our team, dead tired and looking dazed from the heat, played like shit. And lost. It sucked. Then I got in the car to drive home, turned on
Yet here they were, trailing 6-5 in the 9th to one of the worst teams ever assembled. It seemed as though it was going to be one hell of a capper to a shit-infused night. But then, Jimmy Rollins announced his true return in style.

image via The700Level
It was Rollins' first career walkoff home run, though hardly his first clutch hit.
Good to have that guy back. Jimmy's walkoff brought the Phils within 3.5 of the Braves and 3 of the Mets, and kept the sweep alive against Cleveland, with Joe Blanton taking the hill against Fausto Carmona.

that jimmy video never gets old