Tonight, it will finally set in once the Phillies and Nationals get underway. For the first time since I've been on earth, the Phillies will play a game without Harry Kalas ever setting foot in the ballpark. On Monday, he was there beforehand. Tonight, he may not be there in person, but he sure as shit will be there in spirit, with every single one of those players, managers, coaches and fans down in Washington.

Thankfully, I won't have to endure much awkwardness with the Phillies broadcast because my main attention will be held by the Flyers-Penguins game. It is the Stanley Cup playoffs after all. But no doubt, I'll be thinking of Harry every time I check in to see how the Phils are doing.
Hopefully, some of these links can take your mind off the sadness for a little while …
-Not sure if you heard, but Greg Paulus visited Michigan to discuss playing quarterback. Yes, that Greg Paulus.

Well, here's a great post about that possibility:
See, Michigan football is a collection of twats and fags that think their shit don’t stink. Guess what, their shit stinks something fierce. It’d be one thing if the Michigan program, both players and fans, were as classy as they said they were, but they’re not. They’re a concoction of the worst aspects of fandom there can be, combining the ridiculous condescension of Pittsburgh Steeler fans with the blind, ignorant arrogance of Yankee fans while adding a dash of Red Sox Nation ass-baggery.
In short…they DESERVE Greg Paulus as their QB.
First off…Duke is the king of the douche pile. If you even consider going to Duke, you’re a balls-deep homo, no matter what. This is science, don’t try and argue it. If you’re a decent basketball player at Duke, that’s fine…you have my respect as a player but I’d still want to watch you fall down a spiral staircase littered with broken glass. Paulus wasn’t good, so he’s pretty much worthless as a human being because of his Duke connection and the fact that he slaps the floor like a little pussy.
But if he went to Michigan? Oh my…
Really though, I just wanna see Michigan suck even longer. Because fuck them, that’s why.
Truly, truly brilliant writing.
-Some Harry Memorial Tribute Info.
-The Flyers 2008-09 regular season, in video form:
-Ed makes his case for LeBron.

And yes, if you read that, you'll see correctly that I've been asked to partake in Ed the Sports Fan's 3-part MVP series. Ed had LeBron, Kenny has Dwyane Wade tomorrow, and yes, I was asked if I'd be interested in making the case for Kobe and accepted, meaning on Friday, head on over there and check out my argument for Kobe. Hate me now.
-I've really been enjoying Will Leitch's "Ten Humans of the Week" column, and this week's was particular excellent:
Harry Kalas was one of the last of his breed. Not just because he was a beloved broadcaster. But because he cared enough to stick around so long. People don't do that anymore. For better or worse.
-Chris Cooley has his own show:
-Deron Williams is pretty good I guess:
-Kanye + NBA = sweet commercial:
-Andre did have a sweet dunk last night:
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