Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brandon Jennings Talks to The Baseline

It's been well-documented that I have a healthy appreciation for Brandon Jennings. Well, with the NBA draft on the not-so-distant horizon, Sean Deveney over at the The Baseline had Q&A with the point guard who dared to forego college and head overseas to get paid instead.

Definitely check it out. Oh, and if scouts have any question about the Jennings' maturity, this should help quell those thoughts:

Q: You also, when you were in Rome, you gave $50,000 to support the victims of the earthquake there. Why? Why did that touch you?

A: We were only 70 miles from where that earthquake hit. We felt it, we felt the hard shaking. It was about 3 a.m. It woke me up. I grew up in California, so we have had earthquakes, and I understand what people go through, to have their lives destroyed by that. So, I wanted to help however I could.

BallHype: hype it up!

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