Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Todd McCulloch, Then Tra Thomas, Now Andre Iguodala

Apparently, the Sixers new $80 million man no longer wants to be called Iggy.

Directly from Skeets:

Via Sixersoul, Phil Jasner at the Philadelphia Daily News reports that new $80 million dollar man Andre Iguodola would like you to stop calling him 'Iggy,' thanks. "In 4 years, he has been called 'A.I.2,' 'Iggy' and 'The Other A.I.' "I don't like 'Iggy,' I don't mind 'The Other A.I.,'" he said. "It just shows the fans are watching basketball and know what I do. I want to be 'Dre, that's it. 'The A.I. thing, it's about Allen, always being in his shadow. He's a different player, brings a different element. It's like Kobe and Michael Jordan. Everybody says, 'Who's the next M.J?' You never want to be compared to another player [that way]. I just want to be me.'" Manuel "don't call me Manny" Lee feels 'Dre's pain.

Now, I completely understand that if Dre doesn't like being called Iggy, he has that right. But come on man, you've been in the league for four years. Couldn't you have done this earlier?

Same thing for Todd McCulloch (who was called "McCulla" for most of his career, then said it was actually "McCullock") and Tra Thomas (who after a long time being known as Tra, suddenly wanted to drop the Tra and be known by his given name William). It didn't work for Tra, and he should have known. There is only one William Thomas in Eagles lore, and that is this man:

I've grown accustomed to calling Iguodala Iggy, but I'll try to abide and stick to Dre or just Andre or Iguodala or whatnot. Even if he is highly overpaid. I still like the guy. Plus, he can do this:

Good luck on the name change thing Iguodala. You may need it.


  1. William Thomas is one of my favorite Eagles Linebackers of all time. I had the pleasure of meeting him during his rookie year when I was but a wee lad. He was very pleasant and as I remember, being all of 4'5" at the time, huge. Tra is Tra. Juqua Thomas is Juqua Thomas. Pacman Jones is not Adam , but Pacman. Once you are known as something it is not right to go and change it and I refuse to call these people anything but what they original were.

  2. William Thomas is one of my favorite Eagles Linebackers of all time. I had the pleasure of meeting him during his rookie year when I was but a wee lad. He was very pleasant and as I remember, being all of 4'5" at the time, huge. Tra is Tra. Juqua Thomas is Juqua Thomas. Pacman Jones is not Adam , but Pacman. Once you are known as something it is not right to go and change it and I refuse to call these people anything but what they original were.
